måndag 25 augusti 2014

Hello world!

Greetings (he said into the void) fellow flyfishermen and sea trout hunters!

From now on I'm going to write in english. Not in British English, nor American English but ... HaLster English. A somewhat compilation of the first two and my own, heavily Swedish influenced linguistics.
You may ask - why this new venture? Well, if you look at the previous post you will see it is dated 7 April 2013 ... I need to challenge myself in order to keep on writing, its that simple. And perhaps there is foreign interests involved :-)

With that said and the sea trout season lurking just around the corner, I'm soon off to a nearby hot spot and with my dear Loomis NRX 10 foot 7wt supersonic flyrod, I will enter a brave new world, as a brave new man!

I'll keep you posted...

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